Previous Athletic Participation Form (PAPF)

Generally, it is the responsibility of the receiving school to determine if a student is in compliance with the parent residence rule.

Sections 403 and 442, UIL Constitution and Contest Rules.

Documentation for any “yes” answers should be provided to the DEC. Even if a PAPF is approved by a DEC, the school is subject to forfeiture of varsity contest for not being in compliance with all eligibility rules.

A student is not eligible to apply for a waiver of the parent resident rule until the DEC has determined whether or not the student has changed schools for athletic purposes

Section 443, UIL Constitution and Contest Rules

Parents should be advised that TEC 21.920(e) allows decisions of the committee to be appealed to the UIL State Executive Committee; however, if both the receiving and sending schools believe that a student athlete changed schools for athletic reasons, no appeal to the SEC will be granted.

Example of the PAPF found in the DEC Handbook.